Full Contact Fighter Database







Monday, Mar 15, 2004

Iceman And Bad Boy Face-offon Carson Daly Tonight

Iceman and Bad Boy Face-Off
On Carson Daly Tonight

By Loretta Hunt

Chuck Liddell backstage at Carson Daly

Liddell backstage at Carson Daly

Sometimes a fighter’s nickname just doesn’t quite add up, but sitting backstage with UFC light-heavyweight contender Chuck Liddell before his nationally televised interview on MTV posterboy Carson Daly’s late night talk show Last Call, which airs tonight, it’s clear to see why he’s the Iceman. Sharply dressed in Armani from head to toe, Liddell is the picture of serenity as he listens to his Walkman pump out a mix of personal favorites from George Thurgood-like to country.

Appearances like this are becoming more commonplace for Liddell and other UFC fighters, especially in the days leading up to a big UFC event when the Zuffa team seems to be hustling for exposure. As one of the quieter, more reserved characters out there, it’s no surprise when Liddell mumbles that is his least favorite part of the business, but his demeanor hardly betrays him. He knows his boisterous sidekick tonight, the brash former champion Tito Ortiz, will try to egg him on into a verbal fray of some sort. He says Ortiz is an emotional fighter, and unlike himself, needs this to prepare his mind for the fight. But in the end, Liddell says he’s not buying what Ortiz is selling. With a confidence that could only come from years of knowing a person (the two were longtime friends), Liddell wholeheartedly believes Ortiz will not stand with him in their anticipated face-off that has been almost two years in the making, but if he does, one or two swipes from the Iceman will quickly change that. Liddell slyly comments that he’s glad Ortiz is riled up. He knows he’s gotten under his opponent’s skin.

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  Wednesday – March 17, 2004 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Brazilian Top Team Looking for Gold in Korea, Marcelo Garcia on Fire, HEAT FC 3 Set to Go and MMA New Show Frenzy in Brazil!

The Brazilian Beat:
      It’s been a long time but we’re back! After one of the longest hiatus ever in its history the Brazilian Beat is finally back after a amazing wave of new MMA shows popping up recently in Brazil. This theme has been approached for a long time already in this space, as new promoters are venturing themselves into MMA more and more and never before this country had so many shows going on in such a short period of time. In this edition we’ll run trough this true MMA frenzy giving news and results on most of the new promotions. However, the most traditional ones such as MECA, HEAT and even Shooto Brazil are also on the run for new projects and we bring you some tidbits about them as well. With so many events going on, FCF still managed to find space for some other Brazilian MMA news as Belfort enjoys his honeymoon, Sperry travels looking for fun although business never leave him alone, his pupils prepare to take their act to Korea, Ninja prepares his wedding and recovers from injury and Marcelo Garcia is simply THE MAN in Submission grappling nowadays. So, enjoy the news as it may take long, but they never cease as FCF keeps bouncing back with the beat in the already traditional Brazilian rhythm style!

  • UFC Light-heavyweight champion Vitor Belfort finally took time to enjoy his honeymoon with his wife Joana Prado, as both are traveling on vacation trough the Caribbean islands. Vitor got married last December, and haven’t had chance to go on honeymoon since then, with his fight against Randy Couture in January plus all the problems with his missing sister. After his late honeymoon, "The Phenom" is going to minister seminars for the first time in his life, showing MMA and Grappling techniques in some academies in California. Speaking of his sister, Brazilian police still has no clue on where’s Priscila Belfort, as investigations are stalled now and sadly hope is fading away. FCF still hopes for the best and if anyone has any news regarding Priscila, please contact the Brazilian police and inform them.
  • Fresh from his stunning KO win at PRIDE BUSHIDO 2, legendary fighter Mario Sperry is finally taking some time to enjoy vacation with his wife, as he is going to attend an invitation of his friends over Abu Dhabi and spend some time in the city. The multiple times Jiu-Jitsu champion had to postpone the trip a number of times due to his numerous activities with his fighters at the Brazilian Top Team. Although Mario didn’t confirm, there’s always the chance some business may happen after this stay in the Middle East. Since Sperry’s life is not only about business, the "Zen Machine" will also enjoy some surfing extending his trip to the Falkland Islands, after meeting up his friends in Abu Dhabi.
  • It seems that the plans for a big MMA event in Korea are now finally going to unfold, as Brazilian fighters are already preparing to compete there in June. After postponements, the big time show, called Ultra FC, which was planned to take place in the end of 2003, is now getting set for June of 2004 and Brazilian Top Team looks to be sending PRIDE veterans Paulo Filho and Rogerio Minotoro Nogueira, and stand outs Claudio Godoi and Fabiano Capoane to compete in the Korean show. FCF will keep you posted on developments.
  • The MMA scene continues to expand in Brazil and the success of shows such as HEAT FC brought a lot of new ventures to the long forgotten Northeast region of the country. This last March 11th the state of Ceara, in the city of Fortaleza, saw a new promotion debuting as the 1st Desafio Ceara de Vale Tudo brought several HEAT veterans to battle. In the most important fights of the show Rivanio Aranha defeated HEAT veteran Savio Maia by judges’ decision, Bam Bam defeated another HEAT veteran in Carlos Indio by KO in the 1st round, HEAT and AFC veteran Paulo Guerreiro Barros defeated Jess
    posted by Full Contact Fighter @ 8:00 pm
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