Full Contact Fighter Database







Saturday, Oct 03, 2020

IMMAF Freezes Athlete & Team Rankings For 2020 – 21

By press release

The International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) has announced its decision to freeze the ranking points for the IMMAF World Amateur MMA Rankings for both Athletes and National Teams, (backdated) from 8 March 2020 until 9 March 2021, subject to the global pandemic situation.

This is due to the cancellation of all IMMAF tournaments in 2020, with the exception of the Oceania Open that took place in Australia between 6th and 8th March. IMMAF is planning to resume its competitions in 2021.

The IMMAF President, Kerrith Brown, said:

“The reason for this decision by the IMMAF Board is to ensure fairness in light of the cancellation of competitions this year. This will allow the value earned in ranking points to be carried over to when competitions recommence. We are fully planning to come back bigger and stronger in 2021 and we will make sure, for our athletes, that it will have been worth the wait.”


The IMMAF World Amateur MMA Rankings are determined by the points accrued by athletes and National Teams through participation in IMMAF Continental Open and World Championships. Full ranking points are issued where there are twenty or more national teams competing at an event. Where there are less than twenty nations competing, then only 50% of the full ranking points are issued.

In ordinary times, the points gained in each individual competition expire as follows:

For the first 12 months, ranking points retain their full value (100%)
After 12 months, the value of the points decreases by 50%.
After 24 months, the value of the points is reduced to 0.

To view the IMMAF World Amateur Rankings go to https://immaf.org/rankings/


posted by FCF Staff @ 12:20 am
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