Pride-14pre-fight Interviews
Pride-14 Pre-Fight Interviews By Aaron Crecy
Gary Goodridge Gary Goodridge was in high spirits this week–and with good reason. He is in better shape than any time in recent memory, and he has a center stage performance in front of a worldwide audience. But if he thinks he’s going to make a living as a stripper, he had better think again. FCF: If you could beat up a boy band, which one would it be? FCF: 98 Degrees, ‘N Sync. FCF: Pam Anderson or Jennifer Lopez? FCF: Why? FCF: How many tattoos do you have? FCF: How old were you when you got the first one? FCF: And the last one? FCF: If you weren’t fighting, what would you be doing for a living? FCF: All right. Superstitions? FCF: Ever been stalked by a woman? FCF: And how did that work itself out? FCF: That’s the way to get her to stop. Biggest regret in life? FCF: Me too. Scariest thing you’ve ever done? FCF: You didn’t jump? FCF: How fast can you run a mile? FCF: Who would win in a fight, Monica Lewinsky or Hillary Clinton? FCF: She’s heavier. G&P, ground and pound. Dan Henderson ![]() Dan Henderson is typically a soft-spoken gentleman. However, my questions seem to have woken him up. Keep in mind that he had a smile on his face throughout the interview. FCF: Was OJ guilty or innocent? FCF: If you could fight one movie star, who would it be? FCF: How many tattoos do you have? FCF: Favorite subject in school? FCF: Jennifer Lopez or Jennifer Love Hewitt? FCF: Ever been beaten up by a girl? FCF: Five pounds too skinny or five pounds too fat? FCF: Okay. FCF: Superstitions? FCF: How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet? FCF: Yeah. FCF: Yeah. FCF: Come on. FCF: And how many of those hours are spent looking at porn? FCF: Thirty minutes out of five hours? I just don’t think that’s true. FCF: Biggest regret in life? FCF: Biggest regret in life? FCF: Okay. Last time you broke the law and didn’t get caught? FCF: What did you do? FCF: What else? FCF: Come on. FCF: Come on. Steal something? Stab somebody? Fraud? Cheat? Okay, sexiest woman on the planet? FCF: Be a man. Be a man. FCF: Come on. FCF: And then who? FCF: Second, behind your wife. FCF: Do you agree? Vitor Belfort ![]() I caught up to Vitor Belfort when he had some time between television interviews. As a guy who is unbelievably successful with the ladies, his opinion counts double when it comes to women-so pay attention to what he has to say. FCF: Vitor, sexiest woman alive? FCF: Sexiest woman in the world? FCF: Is she Brazilian? FCF: Okay, I’m going to look her up. Favorite movie? I heard you like Scarface. FCF: If you could fight one movie star, who would it be? FCF: Okay. How many tattoos do you have? FCF: How old were you when you got your first one? FCF: And how old were you when you got your last one? FCF: If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do? ![]() Guy Mezger When I interviewed Guy Mezger, the Lions Den crew of Tra Telligman and Ken Shamrock couldn’t help chiming in a couple of times. But Guy was so sharp with his answers that he didn’t really need the help. A very cool interview with a very cool fighter. GM: What’s up? How you doing? FCF: Good, good. Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears. FCF: In a perfect world. Same age. FCF: Whom would you prefer? FCF: How about this-Madonna in her prime or Marilyn Monroe? FCF: Good call. If you weren’t fighting, what would you be doing for a living? FCF: How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet? FCF: Of those hours, how many are dedicated to porn? FCF: Ever been stalked by a girl? FCF: Any superstitions? FCF: Any in particular before a fight? Nino Schembri ![]() Nino "Elvis" Schembri can bend and stretch like nobody you’ve ever seen–but his English is as bad as my Portuguese, which made for an interesting interview. Nevertheless, he was accommodating, polite and strangely obsessed with the King. FCF: Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? FCF: Britney Spears, you know, the singer? FCF: Or Christina Aguilera? FCF: Brazilian women are better? FCF: Which one? FCF: I’ll go look her up on the Internet. Are you superstitious? FCF: No superstitions, nothing about not stepping over cracks in the sidewalk? FCF: Favorite video game? FCF: Yes. FCF: TV show? FCF: How about a movie? FCF: Yeah? FCF: How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet? FCF: What sites do you visit? FCF: Has a girl ever dumped you? FCF: Yeah-ever broke up with you? FCF: But before that, did any girls ever break up with you? FCF: Like, if you had a girlfriend and she left you. FCF: Or did you leave her? FCF: In the past, like, have you ever had a girlfriend who broke up with you? FCF: One time? FCF: Your favorite place to visit? FCF: Your least favorite place to visit? FCF: Like if Hawaii is your favorite, what is a place you don’t want to go visit, a place you don’t like? FCF: There’s not one place you don’t like? FCF: If there was one thing in your life you haven’t done yet that you could do? FCF: Yeah. Like if you had one dream to accomplish still that you haven’t done yet? FCF: Anything. ![]() Stephen Quadros Stephen Quadros is known as the voice of Pride telecasts-that is, when he can get a word in over Bas Rutten. Read on for details on his fetishes and his need to be stalked by a woman. MMA writer Rafiel Torre was nearby and chipped in as well. FCF: Madonna in her prime, or Marilyn Monroe in hers? FCF: Now you’re speaking my language. FCF: Which is the one that was in Grumpy Old Men? FCF: Ah, that’s the one. FCF: How many tattoos do you have? FCF: Was OJ guilty or innocent? FCF: If you could fight one movie star, who would it be? FCF: Whichever. For you, let’s say on screen. FCF: This guy knows where his bread is buttered. Any superstitions? FCF: That’s taking your job a little too seriously. Ever been stood up on a date? FCF: Ever stalked a woman? FCF: Even been stalked? |
All too often we as MMA fans are unable to see much of a fighter’s personality outside of the combat arena, we tend to forget that there is more to them than what we see in the ring. FCF reporter Aaron Crecy takes a look at the human side of a few of the guys in Tokyo for Pride… (Although we don’t have a picture of either Gary Goodridge or Stephen Quadros from Pride-14, we have also included a photo of Heath Herring even though he was not interviewed here. If you need to know what Stephen Quadros looks like, just do a web search on Kevin Bacon ;-P) |
HOOKnSHOOT: MASTERS Pre-fight Interviews By Joe Hall
Twenty-three-year-old CJ Fernandes is doing what it takes to make a name for himself in mixed martial arts. Fernandes, who balances a child and a full-time job that limits his training to twice a week, makes the best of his opportunities. In the main event of tonight’s HOOKnSHOOT, Fernandes will have a shot at an equally hungry competitor, Yves Edwards. It does not look as though Fernandes’ physique has suffered from the lack of training time, as he looked in tremendous shape at Friday night’s weigh-in. In addition to being in great physical condition, a strong amateur wrestling background has given Fernandes a solid foundation for mixed martial arts. Perhaps Fernandes is best known for his ring rattling slams. "If I get the opportunity I’ll get the guy up, turn him, and slam him," says Fernandes. He does not necessarily prefer to fight on the ground though, due to his stand-up training with UFC veteran, Jermaine Andre. Although few fans are aware, Fernandes has fought in the UFC. He drew with Brad Gumm in a preliminary bout. Fernandes felt he should have won the fight and when speaking of his future in the sport Fernandes says, "I would like to fight in the UFC again." A win over Yves Edwards will be a step in the right direction. Fernandes has not seen footage of Edwards, but he does have an idea of his opponent’s style. "I hear he throws a lot of knees and high kicks. If he does throw high kicks, that will be a mistake. I’ll catch them and slam him." One thing is for sure, Fernandes will be there to fight and he plans on taking advantage of headlining the strongest HOOKnSHOOT card ever. |
Texas native Yves Edwards is climbing the ranks of mixed martial arts. A win over CJ Fernandes in tonight’s HOOKnSHOOT: Masters main event will further legitimize his status as an up-and-comer. Edwards holds an undefeated record in HOOKnSHOOT along with wins all over the country, including King Of The Cage. When asked about fighting in a major show such as the UFC and the possibility of big-time recognition, Edwards feels he is, "only one or two big wins away." "I would like to have the opportunity to establish myself as a great fighter, and to do that I will have to fight someone who is already established." His opponent, UFC veteran CJ Fernandes, could be a big step for Edwards. Even though Fernandes’ reputation is mostly limited to the Midwest, he is known as much more than just a quality opponent. Edwards plans on keeping the fight where it is best for him–on the feet. You can bet he will entertain if the fight is left standing long. He has an aggressive, go-for-it style that fans love. However, Edwards can fight on the ground as well and his well-rounded style will enable him to, "take it to the ground if CJ feels too strong for me on the feet." With a win, Edwards sets the stage for an inevitable rematch against HOOKnSHOOT legend Aaron Riley. Edwards considers his first match with Riley, "my biggest win in the sport." If their first fight put Edwards on the map, another battle could be the "big win" Edwards is looking for. |