Full Contact Fighter Database







Thursday, Jun 01, 2017

UFC 212: Vitor Belfort Sees a “New Beginning” For Him in The UFC

Vitor Belfort

By FCF Staff

Leading up to UFC 212, the storyline tied to Vitor Belfort is that it will be his last with the UFC. But, the Brazilian star’s saying he could see himself continuing on with the promotion.

After Belfort was stopped by Kelvin Gastelum earlier this year, he reported his next fight would be the final one of his UFC run. Since then, Belfort said he wanted to continue fighting, after his UFC contract ends this weekend.

In a new story from ESPN, however, Belfort said this, when asked if he thinks his bout with Nate Marquardt Saturday will be his last in the Octagon:

“No, I don’t feel that way,” Belfort said. “I’ll be OK if this is my last fight, but it feels more like a new beginning.”

Belfort headed to the world renowned Tristar gym in Montreal, Quebec to prepare for UFC 212. “The Phenom” also added that doing so was a “fantastic choice”.

posted by FCF Staff @ 1:00 am
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